Anyone who has ever traveled to Delaware aboard the Cape May-Lewes
Ferry is probably aware that jumping off said ferry is illegal (or at least
extremely frowned upon). On June 8th,
my wife and I along with 1,500 other endurance sports enthusiasts jumped off
the Delaware ferry and swam to shore for the first leg of the annual “Escape
the Cape” Triathlon.

Standing over the edge of the ferry and looking down 13 feet into the open water I began to wonder what exactly I was thinking when I agreed to sign up for this event. Fortunately, there were dozens of experienced safety personnel situated from boat to shore ensuring the safety of every swimmer. There was even a Sports Psychologist on board to help ease the minds of anyone having second thoughts.

After the swim, we biked and ran through the beaches, neighborhoods and scenic country roads of West Cape May. Along the entire route the athletes were cheered on by thousands of local residents and event volunteers. Smiling faces, high fives and constant encouragement helped us all push through the inevitable exhaustion that comes with this type of event.

Finishing the race were treated to even more cheers, music and a fantastic breakfast on the lawn of the ferry terminal. I can’t imagine the amount of planning and work that goes into hosting such an extraordinary event but Stephen Del Monte, his company Delmo Sports and their amazing group of volunteers pulled it off.

Aside from participating in an adventure I will never forget, Escape the Cape also provided an amazing opportunity to experience the beauty and hospitality of this area. It truly is the hidden gem of the Southern New Jersey Shore. I’m looking forward to visiting again, taking in more sites and even going for another ride on the ferry. Maybe next time I’ll stay on board for the whole trip!